2. NEWS
  3. 対面/ZOOM「Seminar Seeking Reproductive Justice for Women Migrant Workers in Japan and Korea」2月22日開催(会員・一般)


対面/ZOOM「Seminar Seeking Reproductive Justice for Women Migrant Workers in Japan and Korea」2月22日開催(会員・一般)


In-person and ZOOM Webinar hybrid seminar:
Seeking Reproductive Justice for Women Migrant Workers in Japan and Korea: Roles of Migrant Workers’ Organizations


  • Date & Time: February 22, 2025 (Sat) 13:00-16:00
  • Target audience: Students and the General public
  • Language: English
  • Admission: Free
  • Onsite Venue: #408, Building No.2, Sophia University (no registration required)
  • For online: Join the ZOOM webinar through the URL https://x.gd/z49TK (Passcode: 2025)


  • Note: The recorded video will not be publicly available after the program.

Unprotected Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Experience of Returned Migrant Women in Nepal

Ms. Manju Gurung, Co-Founder of Pourakhi Nepal, Committee Member of the Foreign Employment Board, Government of Nepal

Migration labour policies in Japan and Korea and their implications on Migrant Women

Dr. Keiko Yamanaka, Retired Lecturer, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, USA (online)

Access to Reproductive Health Service among Migrant Workers in Korea: Case Study of Nepalese Women

Ms. Junu Gurung, Contact person, Pourakhi-Nepal (online), and Dr. Rachana Manandhar Shrestha, Visiting Fellow, IAAMES, Sophia University

Harassment and Gender-based Violence among Technical Intern Trainee Program (TITP) in Japan

Dr. Yoshihisa Saito, Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University (online)

Dr. Masako Tanaka, Professor, Faculty of Global Studies and Institute Fellow, IAAMES, Sophia University

Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University (IAAMES)

JSPS “Reproductive justice for migrant women: Eliminating restrictions on pregnancy and childbirth through reinforcing rule of law”.


Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University (IAAMES)

  • i-asianc [at] sophia.ac.jp(* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)
  • 電話番号:03-3238-3697

