The Deadline Extension for Abstract Submissions (The 14th JAHSS Annual Conference and the 35th JASID Annual Conference Secretariat) [2nd Announcement]

The deadline for abstract submissions for the 14th JAHSS Annual Conference and the 35th JASID Annual Conference, scheduled for 9-10 November, has been extended by one week to 30 August (Friday).
We look forward to receiving your applications, including those currently being prepared.
Application period for abstract submission (new)
- from 30 July (Tuesday) to 30 August (Friday), 2024.
How to apply: Conference website
- Japanese:
- English:
Event Schedule
- August 30: Deadline for abstract submission and membership fee payment
- Early September: Conference registration opens
- Late September: Notification of acceptance/rejection results
- Early October: Conference registration deadline
- October 13: Paper submission deadline
The 14th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Human Security Studies and the 35th General Conference Committee of Japan Society for International Development
Conference Committee Co-Chair:
Ako Muto (JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development)
Satoru Matsumoto (Hosei University).
- jasidjahss2024 [at] (replace [at] with @)