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The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Announcement of the start of registration for presentations [2nd Announcement]

The 34th Annual Conference website is now open! Conference HP: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jasid2023annual/top?lang=en We have started accepting presentation proposals. As in previous years, we welcome proposals for three types of presentations: (1) oral presentations, (2) poster presentations, and (3) special sessions/roundtables. Please find below detailed information regarding each of these presentation types. The language of presentation should be either Japanese or English. ★Proposal submission period: 5 July (Wed) – 5 August (Sat), 2023 (1) Oral presentation...


Reminder: The 24th JASID Spring Conference Registration [7th Announcement]

The 24th JASID Spring Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to share some updates about the conference registration and program. 1. Conference Registration Deadline for pre-registration extended The deadline for pre-registration (discounted rate) originally set today , April 29 (Sat) is now extended to 【May 6 (Sat)】. Those who have received the notification of acceptance, please utilise this opportunity to register to the conference with a discounted price. (i) Pre-registration by May 6 (Sat), (ii)...

Application Forms of the 24th JASID Spring Conference [2nd Announcement]

The JASID Conference Organizing Committee is delighted to update you with news of the 24th Spring Conference, Call for Applications. 1.Conference website Please check the website below to explore the call for abstracts and types of application forms. https://conference.jasid.org/ 2.Submission We will be welcoming submissions for Oral Presentations, Poster, Panel and Roundtable Sessions. Please download required application forms from the website. ‐ Application Forms: https://conference.jasid.org/spring-conference/sp24th/akita/ * Please see our abstract submission and guidance page...

The 24th Spring Conference of JASID, Call for Applications [1st Announcement]

The JASID Conference Organizing Committee cordially invites all members to the 24th Spring Conference to be held at Akita International University on June 10, 2023. The theme of the conference is “Role of Intergenerational Ties in Sustainability: What to Sustain, What to Update, and What to Pass Across Generations?”. We welcome a wide range of presentations based on your research results. We also welcome applications for panel and roundtable sessions that are related to...

社会課題解決のための開発とイノベーション [FY2022-]

Activity Report of the Research Group: ”Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems” 

Activity Report in the FY 2022 (Oct. 2021-Sept. 2022) IDSSP (Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems) was launched in January 2022 after its establishment was approved in the 32nd Annual Conference of JASID in Nov. 2021. This research group was created to provide a platform for researchers in the field of international development to exchange ideas and share knowledge on the process of solving social issues, which are commonly observed in the World,...


[Important!] To those who plan to be the Society member to present at the JASID Annual Conference

The Japan Society for International Development (JASID) admits only members (regular members, student members, and honorary members) to make presentations at the Annual and Spring Conferences. The submission of proposals includes those for individual oral and poster presentations, as well as for organized sessions and round tables. If you consider newly becoming a member aiming to present at the 33rd Annual Conference to be held on December 3 or 4, 2022, please note the...

The 23rd JASID Spring Conference

【The 2nd Announcement】 We received many applications for our conference this year. All the applications were reviewed at the Conference Organization Committee on March. 27, and all the decisions were sent to the applicants. We would like to ask the applicants to confirm it. Seventeen sessions (community, education, children, development, NGO, SDGs, disaster, environment, society/economy etc.) will be held at the 23rd JASID Spring Conference: three organized sessions, seven roundtables, seven oral presentation sessions,...


About the 23rd JASID Spring Conference 【The 2nd Announcement】

We received many applications for our conference this year. All the applications were reviewed at the Conference Organization Committee on March. 27, and all the decisions were sent to the applicants. We would like to ask the applicants to confirm it. Seventeen sessions (community, education, children, development, NGO, SDGs, disaster, environment, society/economy etc.) will be held at the 23rd JASID Spring Conference: three organized sessions, seven roundtables, seven oral presentation sessions, together with a...

eye chatch

Q: Can a non-member make presentation at the conference?

A: No. Only JASID members can make a presentation. However, non-members can report in the planning session and round table session, but only JASID members can submit the proposal of the planning or round table session. If you wish to make an oral presentation or a poster presentation in the conference, please submit your application by the end of July for the annual conference, or by the end of February for the spring conference....

Announcing the Launch of our website for the 22nd JASID Spring Conference

https://www.jasidconference.org/ The 22nd JASID Spring Conference is scheduled to be held on the 12th of June, 2021 at Tokyo Adachi Campus, Bunkyo University, which will open on the 1st of April 2021. The conference will be held in a “hybrid” format, where presentations and discussions will be carried out both in class rooms and online simultaneously. Please be noticed that the conference may be held in a completely online format depending on the Covid-19...


Official website of the JASID Conference The latest information will be posted on the JASID conference official website. Notice of the Conference The information distributed via email to JASID members. Information on conferences already held Conference Proceedings (in Japanese, Members only) Best Poster Presentation Awards (in Japanese) Related Information