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Annual Conference

The Deadline Extension for Abstract Submissions (The 14th JAHSS Annual Conference and the 35th JASID Annual Conference Secretariat) [2nd Announcement]

The deadline for abstract submissions for the 14th JAHSS Annual Conference and the 35th JASID Annual Conference, scheduled for 9-10 November, has been extended by one week to 30 August (Friday). We look forward to receiving your applications, including those currently being prepared. Application period for abstract submission (new) from 30 July (Tuesday) to 30 August (Friday), 2024. How to apply: Conference website Japanese: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jasidjahss2024/top?lang=ja English: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jasidjahss2024/top?lang=en Event Schedule August 30: Deadline for abstract...

[1st Announcement] Call for Presentations: The 35th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID) and the 14th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS)...

The 35th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID) and the 14th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS) will be co-organized for the first time in five years. The beginning of this year saw the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. The effects of climate change are felt in every corner of the world, and the risk of the recurrence of a pandemic remains. The number of forcibly displaced...


Conference Organization

We plan and prepare for the conferences, supporting the organization committee of respective host institutions Members MATSUMOTO, Satoru (Chair) IKEMI, Mayu KURITA, Kyosuke OYAMA, Takatoshi WANG, Muyun President of JASID Vice President of JASID JASID Talent Recommendation WG (Programme)


JASID Prize Selection

JASID Prizes and Poster Presentation Awards The prize selection committee is in charge of evaluation and selection on the JASID Prizes and the Poster Presentation Awards. JASID Prizes are categorized into Grand Prize, Encouragement Prize, Journal Paper Prize and Committee Special Award. Grand Prize is awarded to the distinguished book or monograph; Journal Paper Prize is awarded to an excellent paper published in an academic journal on the field of international development including the...

JASID 25th Spring Conference: Announcement of the start of registration for presentations

[JASID conference] 25th Spring Conference of the Japan Society for International Development: Announcement of the start of registration for presentations. The 25th Spring Conference website is now open. Conference HP: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jasid2024spring/static/greeting We have started accepting presentation proposals. As in previous years, we welcome proposals for three types of presentations: (1) oral presentations, (2) poster presentations, and (3) special sessions/roundtables. Please find below detailed information regarding each of these presentation types. The language of presentation...


[RG24-2] ICT for Development (ICT4D)

Over recent years, the international development sector has witnessed a rise in ICT-related projects, including digital transformation (DX) and innovation. This trend, driven by a significant increase in cooperation between public and private sectors, has resulted in transformative social changes catalyzed by digital tools and an increase in ICT applications in varied sectors, such as business, education, and peacebuilding. However, challenges are also accumulating, including ethical issues related to AI, information management and censorship,...

[JASID conference] 34th JASID Annual Conference: Conference Program Booklet

We are just a week away from the annual conference. We look forward to welcoming everyone on campus. On the day of the conference, there is scheduled construction within the campus, and several events are expected to take place. It may cause some inconvenience due to the limited campus space, but we appreciate your understanding. We have created a conference program booklet. Please download and make use of it. Please also find some important...

The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Publication of Conference Proceedings [7th Announcement]

We are now less than three weeks away from the conference. So far, we have received registrations from over 320 individuals. We express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has registered. We are pleased to inform you that the conference proceedings are now available. Please also note other important updates. 1. Conference Proceedings – You can access the Conference Proceedings through the following link. Please use the same password as for accessing the individual...

[Maintenance Notice] Member’s My Page (Thursday, Oct. 12)

System maintenance will be performed on the following schedule, which will involve the suspension of JASID’s membership system. We would like to inform you that some functions of the 34th Annual Conference website will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our members, and ask that you please avoid the maintenance time. Implementation period Thursday, October 12, 2023, 21:00 – 24:00 (JST) Unavailable Services The following functions will be unavailable...

The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Program release and participation in plenary session

We have released the online conference program, which includes the timetable, presentation abstracts, and presentation papers, available through Confit (conference portal). Additionally, we have compiled information about how to participate in the plenary session scheduled for the first day of the conference. Please take a moment to review this information. 1. Conference program (Confit) You can access the program via the conference website. To view and download the PDF papers, you will need a...

The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Notice regarding reasonable accommodations, infection control measures, and the use of childcare facilities [5th Announcement]

This conference will strive to accommodate a wide range of participants, including those with disabilities, by providing reasonable accommodations. We kindly request the cooperation of presenters in ensuring information accessibility. Additionally, we have compiled information regarding infection control and the use of childcare facilities during the conference (the following information is also available on the conference website). The complete program is scheduled to become available on Monday, October 2. 1. Reasonable accommodations We ask...

The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Notice regarding conference registration [4th Announcement]

We would like to express our gratitude for the numerous presentation proposals. The conference program committee has reviewed and approved 72 general oral presentations, 7 special sessions, 18 roundtable discussions, and 21 poster presentations. 1. Conference program Please refer to the following URL for the current conference program. Program URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I3bMclfOcLAWvAu-714J3gxWaou4Qizr/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108085419611723901134&rtpof=true&sd=true 2. Conference registration * We are pleased to inform you that the conference registration site is now open. Please register for the conference...

The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Deadline reminder for presentation registration [3rd Announcement]

Regarding the 34th annual conference scheduled to be held at Sophia University on November 11-12, we would like to remind everyone that the deadline to submit a presentation proposal is August 5th (Saturday). We are eagerly awaiting your presentation submissions. ▼For more details, please refer to the following link (choose “English” at the right upper corner): https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jasid2023annual/static/submission Contact 34th Annual Conference Executive Committee Chairperson: Taro Komatsu (Sophia University) jasid2023fall [at] gmail.com(replace [at] with @)

The 34th JASID Annual Conference: Announcement of the start of registration for presentations [2nd Announcement]

The 34th Annual Conference website is now open! Conference HP: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jasid2023annual/top?lang=en We have started accepting presentation proposals. As in previous years, we welcome proposals for three types of presentations: (1) oral presentations, (2) poster presentations, and (3) special sessions/roundtables. Please find below detailed information regarding each of these presentation types. The language of presentation should be either Japanese or English. ★Proposal submission period: 5 July (Wed) – 5 August (Sat), 2023 (1) Oral presentation...

社会課題解決のための開発とイノベーション [FY2022-]

Activity Report of the Research Group: ”Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems” 

Research Group: ”Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems”                   The research group (RG) on Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems (IDSSP) was launched early 2022 with the objective of tackling common issues observed in the world and sharing solutions and lessons learned in the process of innovative approaches that can be applicable elsewhere. We had several events in 2022. We organized a roundtable session for the 23rd JASID Spring Conference and invited two...

Request to all JASID members: Attendance Confirmation for the 33rd General Assembly (Deadline: December 3)

Hello, this is the JASID Secretariat. As you are aware, the upcoming “33rd JASID Annual Conference” will be held on December 3 (Sat.) and 4 (Sun.) at Meiji University. The “33rd General Assembly” will be held in conjunction with the conference as follows. The 33rd General Assembly Date: Sunday, December 4, 2022, 16:40 -18:10 (tentative) Venue: In-person at Liberty Hall, Meiji University and Zoom Webinar Agenda: FY2022’s Activity Report, Financial Report, and Internal Control...

社会課題解決のための開発とイノベーション [FY2022-]

Activity Report of the Research Group: ”Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems” 

Activity Report in the FY 2022 (Oct. 2021-Sept. 2022) IDSSP (Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems) was launched in January 2022 after its establishment was approved in the 32nd Annual Conference of JASID in Nov. 2021. This research group was created to provide a platform for researchers in the field of international development to exchange ideas and share knowledge on the process of solving social issues, which are commonly observed in the World,...

eye chatch

Q: I don’t have the necessary recommender for membership

Answer 第33回全国大会にて開催された会員総会において、入会時に必要であった推薦者2名を不要とすることが決定されました。このため、入会に際して推薦者の氏名をご記入いただく必要はなくなりました。ただし、会員種別ごとに、以下の情報を追記して頂くことになっております。 正会員 1. 入会のきっかけに関するアンケート ご入会のきっかけとなった学会員の氏名と所属機関の記入欄が設けられました。入力必須の項目ではありませんが、調査にご協力をお願いいたします。 2. CVのアップロード 「学生証または在学証明書(学生のみ必須)」の欄に、CVのPDFファイルをアップロードしてください(書式自由)。必須ではございませんが、よりご興味のある情報を提供できるようご協力をお願いいたします。 学生会員 指導教員情報(必須) 項目に、指導教員の氏名と所属、連絡先メールアドレスを記載してください(非会員でも構いません)。学部生等で指導教員がいないばあいは、本部事務局までお問い合わせください。 本件にかんするお問い合わせ先 国際開発学会・本部事務局


[Important!] To those who plan to be the Society member to present at the JASID Annual Conference

The Japan Society for International Development (JASID) admits only members (regular members, student members, and honorary members) to make presentations at the Annual and Spring Conferences. The submission of proposals includes those for individual oral and poster presentations, as well as for organized sessions and round tables. If you consider newly becoming a member aiming to present at the 33rd Annual Conference to be held on December 3 or 4, 2022, please note the...


The 1st Announcement: The 23nd JASID Spring Conference

The 23rd JASID Spring Conference webpage uploaded the first announcement and starts accepting application. In order to apply, please see https://www.jasidconference.org/ The 23rd JASID Spring Conference Executive Committee 【The 1st Announcement】 The 23rd JASID Spring Annual Conference is scheduled to be held on 18 June 2022, Saturday, ONLINE. The overall theme of this Conference is “Do you know, we have already been doing SDGs.” As in the previous years, (1) oral presentations (open topic),...

社会課題解決のための開発とイノベーション [FY2022-]

Activity Report of the Research Group: ”Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems” 

Research Group: ”Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems”                   This research group (RG) was proposed last year to aim for discussing innovative approaches to tackle social problems, which are common in the world and need attention. The research topic also reflects on the theme of the 31st JASID Annual Conference, organized by Tsuda University, which commemorated its 120th anniversary in 2020; “Time for Change: Innovation for Inclusive Society”. Members consist of the Executive Chair,...


Uploading: 32th Annual Conference (by Dec. 19)

All videos of the JASID 32nd Annual Conference are available from Dec. 6 to Dec. 19 for participants. The video of the plenary symposium is open to the public at https://youtu.be/By68I9Ag_UA from Dec. 6 to Dec. 19.


The 32nd JASID Annual Conference (#3)

We received many applications for our conference this year. All the applications were reviewed at the Conference Organization Committee on Sep. 22, and all the decisions were sent to the applicants. We would like to ask the applicants to confirm it. Twenty-nine sessions (education, medicine, health, agriculture, disaster reconstruction, COVID-19, civil society, and peace etc.) will be held at the 32nd JASID Annual Conference: six organized sessions, nine roundtables, fourteen oral presentation sessions, and...

eye chatch

Q: Can a non-member make presentation at the conference?

A: No. Only JASID members can make a presentation. However, non-members can report in the planning session and round table session, but only JASID members can submit the proposal of the planning or round table session. If you wish to make an oral presentation or a poster presentation in the conference, please submit your application by the end of July for the annual conference, or by the end of February for the spring conference....

eye chatch

Q: How long does it take to be approved after applying for membership?

Answer 入会の可否は不定期に開催される「常任理事会」において審議されます。このため、入会可否の通知が届くまでには、申請のタイミングによって2~3カ月程度かかることもございます。 その後、初年度会費の支払・確認と会員番号の付与が完了してから会員サービスの享受が可能となります。このため、入会申込から会員資格を得るまでに最大4カ月ほどかかるとお考えください。 全国大会・春季大会での発表や、学会誌への投稿を検討されている方は、お早めに入会申請手続きをお済ませください。 申請後の手続きの流れについては、以下のページをご参照ください。 本件にかんするお問い合わせ先 国際開発学会・本部事務局


[RG19-4] Development and Business

In the era of SDGs, the actors involved in development activities in Global South are increasing from international organizations, aid agencies, and NGOs, to large and small private companies. In this study group of Development and Business will pay particular attention to Japanese SME actors (including large companies and multinational companies in some cases), and how private companies can contribute to solving “development problems / social problems in developing countries”. We will focus on...


[RG21-2] Development Approach to Human Security of Children

‘Human security’ is a concept to address safety and security of individual human beings, complementing the traditional concept of state security. It is also a concept to recapture security from the perspectives of protecting people from threats and hazard against their lives, livelihood and dignity, and of empowering people to become more resilient to such threats and hazard, adapting to such social environment. The objectives of this research group “Development Approach to Human Security...

若手による開発研究 [FY2021-]

[RG24-6] Development Studies by Youth

This research group aims to promote research and communication of the youth members of JASID. Although not a few youths in Japan are researching on development, they have difficulty in getting opportunities to interact with each other because they are scattered widely all over Japan. Therefore, they can barely share their ideas and information about development with each other. Furthermore, the topics and methods for development studies are becoming diversified. This trend also highlights...


Official website of the JASID Conference The latest information will be posted on the JASID conference official website. Notice of the Conference The information distributed via email to JASID members. Information on conferences already held Conference Proceedings (in Japanese, Members only) Best Poster Presentation Awards (in Japanese) Related Information



The association selects and commends excellent publication works every year. Four types of awards -Main Association Award, Encouragement Award and Committee Special Award, and Thesis Award- are given to works published in around last two years. The invitation to the award contest usually starts in May every fiscal year, and awarding ceremony is held at the annual conference in around December.