[Important!] To those who plan to be the Society member to present at the JASID Annual Conference

The Japan Society for International Development (JASID) admits only members (regular members, student members, and honorary members) to make presentations at the Annual and Spring Conferences. The submission of proposals includes those for individual oral and poster presentations, as well as for organized sessions and round tables.
If you consider newly becoming a member aiming to present at the 33rd Annual Conference to be held on December 3 or 4, 2022, please note the following schedule so as to complete the procedures on the online system in time.
No later than July 20,
Submission of the new member application
- Please refer to “JOIN JASID” for required documents and procedures
By the end of July,
payment of your membership fee
- No membership ID will be issued to access the proposal submission site until the application is accepted by the Executive Board and payment of the membership fee is confirmed.
Proposal submission starts on August 1
- Please follow the instructions on the 33rd Annual Meeting website to submit the proposal and register for participation