JASID Secretariat
Members HOSHINO, Akinari (Secretary General) OWA, Masumi SHIMAZU, Yuki For inquiries, please contact To contact the JASID Secretariat office, please use the form from the button below or send your inquiry to the following e-mail address. Contact Form Email Addresses hq [at] jasid.org jasid.org [at] gmail.com (replace [at] with @) Business Hours Tuesdays and Fridays (closed during long vacations) Postal Address JASID Secretariat c/o Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 3-2-2...
Q: I am a full member but I become a graduate student.
Answer If you are a working adult enrolled in a graduate school, your membership status is Full Member, not Student Member. Full members who do not hold a full-time position are able to apply for reduced annual membership fee programme. Reference: Notice of Application for Dues Reduction for FY 2024 [D/L: 17th Sep.] If you do not have a job and are enrolled in a university, you can change your membership status to Student...
Procedures for Verifying Eligibility of Student Members for FY2024 [D/L: 17th Sep.]
Continuation or Change of Membership Type for 2024 For Student Members Each year in August/September, we conduct a confirmation of eligibility as a student member for the upcoming year. Student members who fall under any of the following categories must submit proof (such as a copy of their student ID card) that they are still a student on or after October 1 during the following application period by following the procedures below. Student members...
Q: I am no longer a student
Answer: 会員種別の判断は、毎年10月1日時点の在籍状況によって決定いたします。 毎年、学生会員の学籍確認の手続きについて、8月頃にメールをお送りしています。 大学院を修了された会員は、次年度の会員資格の変更手続きを行いますので、指定する方法で学籍を外れた旨を本部事務局までご連絡ください。 卒業年月直後に始まる学会の新年度(毎年10月1日)より、会員種別を正会員に変更させていただきます。会費の金額が変わりますのでご注意ください。 なお、修了後、常勤職を持たない会員におかれましては会費の減額制度がご利用頂けます。 この会費減額制度の利用には、募集期限内の本人による届出が必要になります。 期限内に届出がない場合は、通常の正会員としての会費をご請求いたします。 本件にかんするお問い合わせ先 国際開発学会・本部事務局
Q: I don’t have the necessary recommender for membership
Answer 第33回全国大会にて開催された会員総会において、入会時に必要であった推薦者2名を不要とすることが決定されました。このため、入会に際して推薦者の氏名をご記入いただく必要はなくなりました。ただし、会員種別ごとに、以下の情報を追記して頂くことになっております。 正会員 1. 入会のきっかけに関するアンケート ご入会のきっかけとなった学会員の氏名と所属機関の記入欄が設けられました。入力必須の項目ではありませんが、調査にご協力をお願いいたします。 2. CVのアップロード 「学生証または在学証明書(学生のみ必須)」の欄に、CVのPDFファイルをアップロードしてください(書式自由)。必須ではございませんが、よりご興味のある情報を提供できるようご協力をお願いいたします。 学生会員 指導教員情報(必須) 項目に、指導教員の氏名と所属、連絡先メールアドレスを記載してください(非会員でも構いません)。学部生等で指導教員がいないばあいは、本部事務局までお問い合わせください。 本件にかんするお問い合わせ先 国際開発学会・本部事務局
Q: I am on a leave of absence from university. Can I still enroll in JASID as a student member?
A: Every August, we ask student members to submit their student ID card to prove that they are students. At this time, they can continue their student membership if they submit a copy of a document that proves that they are on a leave of absence (e.g., a certificate of absence from school). Please note that you must remember to renew your membership every year until you return to school. If not submitted, you will...
Q: Cautions for payment of dues via bank check
Two methods of payment are available on “My Page”: credit card payment and online banking payment by bank check. However, bank checks are only available in Japan and cannot accept money transfers from overseas. For this reason, if you have selected bank check as your payment method when creating your invoice, please send money from overseas to JASID’s Japan Post Bank account, not to the bank check account number. Please refer to the following...
Check your membership status and Change of Membership Type
This is JASID Secretariat. Thank you for your cooperation. Today, we inform you of two important notices. Check Your Membership Status in FY2023 For Student members On October 1, JASID will have come a new finical year (FY2023). If you would like to continue the status of student member in FY 2023, please upload a copy of your current student ID card on a Google form “[JASID] Verification of Student Member Eligibility” as below...
[ IMPORTANT ] Membership Fee Request for FY2022.
Dear JASID members, This is JASID Secretariat. Thank you for your cooperation to JASID. The new fiscal year has started on October 1. We would like to inform you about the billing of membership fees for the fiscal year 2022 (October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022). Please check the following carefully as there will be some important changes to the timing and methods of payment. ■Billing of membership fees from FY 2022...
How to Become a Member JASID is an academic society with the aim of bringing together the knowledge and experience about development from multiple disciplines. We also aim to contribute to the development of human resources for further enrichment of research and practice in the field of international development. JASID is a vibrant association with experienced researchers and practitioners as well as young professionals and researchers. Applications for membership are accepted at any time....