2. NEWS
  3. Check your membership status and Change of Membership Type


Check your membership status and Change of Membership Type

This is JASID Secretariat. Thank you for your cooperation. Today, we inform you of two important notices.

Check Your Membership Status in FY2023

For Student members

On October 1, JASID will have come a new finical year (FY2023). If you would like to continue the status of student member in FY 2023, please upload a copy of your current student ID card on a Google form “[JASID] Verification of Student Member Eligibility” as below by September 25, 2022. Either a digital scan or clearly taken digital photograph is welcome.

[JASID] Verification of Student Member Eligibility
*Deadline: September 25, 2022

If you are unable to provide proof of student status by September 25, please contact the JASID secretariat office using e-mail. If you do not inform your situation in advance, you will become a full member after October 1, and your annual membership fee will be 10,000 yen.

In addition, if you plan to change your membership type to full member in the next fiscal year, please delete the student ID file uploaded on your “My Page” and update your affiliation information.

Change Membership Status

If you are a full member in FY2022 and wish to change your membership status to a student member, please contact the JASID secretariat office. We would like to inform you about the screening process for change of membership type.

For working students, we ask that you remain as a full member.

Update Your Information

If you have any other membership information that needs to be changed, please log in to your “My Page” from the URL below and update your information.

If you have any question, please contact the JASID Secretariat.

With very best wishes,


JASID Secretariat


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