新刊案内:The Easternization of Development

名古屋大学の伊東と申します。先月、「The ‘Easternization of Development: The Politics of East Asia’s Developmentalist Cooperation」(Practical Action Publishing, ₤25.48)を他の皆さんと共同で出版しました。
Table of Contents
- Introduction
(Sanae Ito) - The politics of East Asian developmentalism: paradigms, practices and prospects of foreign development assistance
(Christian von Lübke) - Decoding South Korea’s development assistance through the lense of developmental state politics: in search of symbiotic embeddedness
(Marieline Bader and Taekyoon Kim) - The Belt and Road Initiative and the role of the Chinese developmental state
(Meibo Huang and Zhaoli Shen) - Japan’s Developmentalist Cooperation for Quality Infrastructure
(Sanae Ito) - Japan’s Developmentalist Cooperation for the Joint Crediting Mechanism
(Kiyoshi Fujikawa and Sanae Ito) - Oil industry structures and their effects on aid policies in East Asian countries
(Isamu Okada) - Sharing Korea’s developmental experience with developing countries: the Case of the Knowledge Sharing Program
(Kyungyon Moon) - Chinese social organizations in foreign aid: the dual logic of developmental state and country in transition
(Zhao Wang) - Conclusion
(Sanae Ito)
- Email: ito [at] gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp(* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)