2. NEWS
  3. [Obituary] Dr. Yumiko Tanaka



[Obituary] Dr. Yumiko Tanaka

It is with great sadness and grief that we inform you of the passing of Dr. Yumiko Tanaka,JICA Senior Gender Advisor and Visiting Professor at Josai International University on September 26, 2023. Yumiko Tanaka has long been a valuable JASID member and active representative of the Gender and Development Research Group.

Yumiko Tanaka served as Director of the Social Development Department, International Cooperation Specialist (Gender and Development), and Senior Gender Advisor at JICA. She was a Representative of the Government of Japan for the UN Commission on the Status of  Women since 2018. She also taught at numerous universities for many years.

She was a pioneer and leading expert in gender and development leaving significant marksin the field of international development. She was also passionate about training younger scholars and gender experts.

We celebrate all that Dr. Tanaka accomplished in her lifetime and want to express our gratitude for all her contributions.


Gender and Development Research Group

  • m.homma [at] aoni.waseda.jp (replace [at] with @)

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