Measures to support JASID members with children who plan to attend the spring and annual meetings

The Japan Society for International Development (JASID) wishes to promote vigorous research activities by members with diverse backgrounds and needs.
Based on this principle, we accept members to enter session rooms with children to make presentations or to participate in discussion, on condition that due efforts are made not to interfere with the progress of the session significantly.
In order to create an enabling environment for members raising children, at each of the spring or annual meetings, we will try our best to provide a room at the venue that can be used as a kids’ space – a rest area for the people with children to eat, breastfeed, change diapers, nap, and so on.
JASID and the respective host organizations will not be held responsible for any accidents that may occur in the kids’ space.
For detailed arrangements, please refer to the website of the specific conference of interest.
A subsidy system (up to 5,000 yen per JASID member per conference) is available for those who use private childcare services to attend the conference.In principle, members who wish to receive subsidies must apply in advance.
Interested members are required to report their will by marking the relevant checkbox in the online conference registration form.