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  3. [9st Announcement] 25th JASID Spring Conference: Registration Deadline (May 15)

Conference Information

[9st Announcement] 25th JASID Spring Conference: Registration Deadline (May 15)

Dear Members,

Early registration deadline is approaching in 5 days. Please do not forget to register.

[Reminder] Regarding pre-registration for the conference

● The deadline for advance registration (with a discount) is Wednesday, 15 May. We recommend registering early.
● Please also register your attendance for excursions (limited seats available for option 2), social gatherings, and other activities.

★Conference registration:


Tentative program for the 25th Spring Conference of the International Development Society is now available. You can view the schedule online at Confit. Additional details on how to participate in the plenary session, scheduled for the same day, are also available.

1. About the conference program (tentative version, Confit)

Please access the program via the conference homepage.



  • Creating the program involved multiple adjustments including session decisions, presentation allocations, discussions with chairs and commentators, and venue arrangements. Therefore, we generally cannot accommodate requests for changes to sessions or schedules. We appreciate your understanding.
  • For the poster session, registration begins at 10:00 with core presentation time from 11:45 to 12:45. Presenters must be available to engage with attendees during this time. While the core time is clearly indicated in the program, we ask that you display your posters until the plenary session starting at 17:15. The Best Poster Award will be announced at the evening social gathering which starts at 20:30; please ensure you remove your posters by the end of this event at 20:30.
  • Books will be sold in the rest area (multipurpose hall on the second floor of the University Hall, around 9:00-17:00 depending on the publishers). Please come and visit.
  • We plan to release a simplified version of the conference program (PDF), which includes venue maps and presentation instructions, approximately one to two weeks before the conference.

2. How to join the plenary

The conference plenary “Realizing International Cooperation and Interactive Co-creation in Local Context Global & Glocal Human Resource Development” to be held from 17:15 on Saturday, 15 June will be a public event co-sponsored by the Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University. The flyer will be posted on the conference website, so please check the contents.



  • This event is only available in person.
  • The plenary will be conducted in Japanese. English machine translation will be available at the separate venue for those who need it.

3. About the social gathering

  • The social gathering will start at 18:00, 15 minutes after the plenary ends. It will include a tasting session of Utsunomiya’s famous gyoza.
  • A local group, Jambo Ichikai, will perform African music and dance.


International Development Society 25th Spring Conference Executive Committee
Executive Committee Chairperson: Kumiko Sakamoto (Utsunomiya University)

  • Secretariat email address: jasid2024spring [at] gmail.com (replace [at] with @)

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