新刊案内「Reforms in Public Sector for Curbing Corruption in Bangladesh.」

Bangladesh is a growing economy with 180 million population in south-asian region. It got independence in 1971 with a bloody civil war which caused huge damaged in infrastructure and production system. After independence, Bangladesh progressed lot in human development and economic sector with help of other developed nations. But the main problem of this nation towards development is overwhelming corruption. This paper will discuss on corruption problem of Bangladesh, reasons behind corruption, reforms initiative taken by the government and provide some suggestion to solve this problem.
Main Problem of Bangladesh in the Way of Development:
Bangladesh achieved high level growth in last few decades. But during this period, this nation has been also suffering from rampant corruption in all level specially in public sectors. It is now the main problem in country’s progress and create hindrance in the way of development. “Just under 70 percent of youths described corruption and nepotism as the main obstacles to the country’s development in a recent survey conducted by Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh” (Mahmudul, 2023). According to Transparency Internationals (TI), a German based international Non-Governmental Organization, renowned for it its efforts for curbing corruption in worldwide “Corruption erodes trust, weaken democracy, hamper economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and environment crisis” (IT).
In TI run Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranking, Bangladesh became most corrupted country for five consecutive years from 2001 to 2005. In contrary, during this period, it improve in terms of scores from 0.4 at 2001 to 24 at 2009. After that, its anti-corruption progress became stagnant and still it’s score 25 at 2022 and it’s ranking was 12th most corrupted country. It means, despite rapid economic growth, Bangladesh failed to deal with it’s main problem.
Part-1: Reasons Behind of this Problem in Bangladesh:
Firstly, continuous political instability.
Secondly, corrupted political ruling parties.
Thirdly, lack of leadership.
Fourthly, culture.
Fifthly, regional influence.
Part-2: Reform Initiatives for Curving Corruption in Bangladesh:
Signed and ratified the International Conventions.
Establishing ‘The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (OCAG)’.
Establishing ‘The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)’.
Enacted ‘The Right to Information Act-2009’.
Established ‘National Integrity Strategy (NIS)’.
Initiative for ‘Digital Bangladesh’.
Part-3: Possible Solutions to Curve the Corruption in Bangladesh:
A) Political Will.
B) Empowered Institutionalization.
C) Social Movement.
D) Enhancing Transparency and Accountability.
E) Deepening Democracy.
F) Utilizing the Global Experience.
G) Digitization.
Monirul Islam
Master’s Student (2nd Year)
Department of International Business Law,
Graduate School of International Social Science,
Yokohama National University, Kanagawa, Japan
Mobile: 08040750987