4. [RG22-1] Manufacturing in Africa and Asia




[RG22-1] Manufacturing in Africa and Asia


This study group will focus on how people in developing countries with low incomes, such as those in Africa and Asia, are involved in manufacturing in a broad sense, acquire skills, utilize them, and fabricate their lives.

This study is aimed at exploring these issues based on empirical cases as much as possible, while taking into account the theoretical backgrounds or labor and educational studies.

In the past, Japanese academic research in particular have not paid sufficient attention to the work or labor of people, their lifestyles, and the environment surrounding them in manufacturing and other industries in developing countries such as Africa.

However, in not only Asia but also Africa, the manufacturing sector, including informal and micro Asia but also Africa, the manufacturing sector, including informal and micro manufacturing, is deeply embedded in societies, manufacturing, is deeply embedded in societies, and in African cities, and in African cities, informal and micro manufacturing plays an indispensable role in pr informal and micro manufacturing plays an indispensable role in product supply, employment, and skill development and dissemination/transmission.

The development of the manufacturing sector in a broad sense, including The development of the manufacturing sector in a broad sense, including agro–industry, is essential to shift away from dependence on primary industry, is essential to shift away from dependence on primary commodities, create more sustainable commodities, create more sustainable and widespread employment, and e and widespread employment, and advance technology, knowledge, and economic opportunities, and there are advance technology, knowledge, and economic opportunities, and there are slight signs of industrialization in Africa as well as in Asia.

In addition, as slight signs of industrialization in Africa as well as in Asia.

In addition, as “work/life balance” has “work/life balance” has widely widely become a social issue, it is important become a social issue, it is important to take a to take a closer look at the current state of people’s manufacturing and labor.

Based on closer look at the current state of people’s manufacturing and labor.

Based on the above, we would like to provide a forum for JASID members who are the above, we would like to provide a forum for JASID members who are interested in manufacturing by people in developing countries to gather and interested in manufacturing by people in developing countries to gather and discuss the issue.

We will publicize discussion of the group through the website to be newly opened, Sessions at JASID conferences, and publications of books be newly opened, Sessions at JASID conferences, and publications of books and articles.

Through them, we can contribute to broadening the horizons of international development study.