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  3. Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #15, on Feb. 13 [for Members and Generals]


Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #15, on Feb. 13 [for Members and Generals]


Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #15

Family business during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia:
Role of government financial aid and coping strategies

  • Date & Time: February 13, 2023, Thursday, 16:00-17:30 (JST)
  • Language: English
  • Venue: Seminar Room E217 (GSA, Kyoto University) / Zoom Web Seminar
  • Speaker: Wataru Kodama (The University of Göttingen)

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The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily affected economic activities. In Asian countries, where small family businesses play central roles in their economics, previous studies found that the sector was particularly hit by the pandemic.

However, little is known how households have mitigated the negative shocks on their family business during the pandemic. Using ADBI’s representative household surveys in seventeen Asian countries from ASEAN and CAREC regions, this paper investigates the role of coping strategies and government financial aid in mitigating the adverse impacts of the pandemic on family business conditions during the pandemic.

We find that (i) coping strategy is associated with lower probability of both a decline in family business income and family business closure; and (ii) government financial aid is associated with the former probability, partly through affecting the probability of adopting effective coping strategies.

We also find some important heterogeneous effects between female-headed and male-headed households, between ASEAN and CAREC countries, and among different business sectors.


Division of Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University
Chair: Ken Miura

  • miura.ken.3e [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp(replace [at] with @)

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