4. [BO-3] KEIJI Branch


[BO-3] KEIJI Branch

Director: Matsuo WATANABE (Ritsumeikan University)

In Kyoto-Shiga region, universities specialized in international cooperation and development issues are highly concentrated. The researchers and practitioners form clusters of their own, but this is not necessarily reflected in the development and expansion of JASID’s activities.

The Keiji Branch is intended to provide opportunities for information sharing, discussion, research study for a wide range of people interested in development and international cooperation in the region by promoting cooperation and collaboration between the universities here — such as Doshisha University, Kyoto University, Ritsumeikan University and Ryukoku University — and individuals and organizations in neighboring prefectures such as Osaka.

In addition, the Branch expects to further promote the JASID’s activities, enhance its presence, and increase its membership through activities on the own development issues in this region.

In Kansai region, the Kansai Branch has been organizing activities with primary contribution by the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies of Kobe University. However, the distance between Kobe and Kyoto/Shiga has certainly made frequent exchanges difficult.

As such the Keiji Branch is also expected to contribute to revitalize the JASID’s activities throughout the Kinki region in cooperation with the Kansai Branch through activities of the Committees of Human Development and Social Affairs, for example.