[RG21-3] ODA History x Future Study Group

Since the beginning of Japanese ODA in 1954, its role and functions have changed dramatically. The aim of this study group is to identify the lessons of Japanese ODA by learning its history based on the forthcoming publications on ODA history (to be published from University of Tokyo Press, 7 volumes), this study group aims develop an open platform for discussing what we can learn from history in shaping the future of Japanese ODA. Activities would include (but not limited) the following:
- Bi-monthly discussion meeting on ODA history involving researchers and practitioners.
- Discussion will be based on the publication series on ODA history to be published from University of Tokyo Press.
- Alternating meeting venues in Kanto area and Kansai area to secure participation from various sectors and generations of interested people.
- Creating HP to share and showcase the process and result of our discussion.
For more information, please visit