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Rural Development


“Resilience Seminar #41” Jan. 26 [for Members and Generals]

The Resilience seminar cordially invite you to join the following hybrid seminar. For zoom participation, prior registration is required here. https://kyoto-u-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-iopj8vEt3qjR7X8JozVocIOWAF6ufP https://sites.google.com/view/aes-kyotonre/reselience-seminar Resilience Seminar #41 Date & Time: January 26, 2023, Thu 16:30-18:15 JST Language: English Venue: Seminar Room E220, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University and Zoom Web Seminar (hybrid) Speaker Masanori Matsuura, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) Title Weather Shocks, Livelihood Diversification, and Household Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Rural Bangladesh Abstract...

倫理的食農システムと農村発展 [FY2021-]

[RG21-1] Ethical Agri-food Systems and Rural Development

Ethical agri-food systems and rural development Poverty alleviation is placed as the first object in the SDGs as well as in the MDGs. Most impoverished people are peasants in the Global South. Accordingly, the SDGs put a high priority on rural development. However, it is difficult for peasants to get out of poverty under the current global agri-food system. Although Fair Trade (FT) has a potential to solve such difficulty by providing an alternative...