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May, 2021

eye chatch

Q: I forgot to pay my annual membership fee

Answer For credit card payments Payment can be made even if the due date on the invoice has passed. For bank checks payments If you have already been issued with a dedicated payee account number, you will not be able to use bank check payments if the account number has expired (within two weeks). If the expiry date has passed, please transfer the fees to the Society’s Japan Post account (a transfer fee will...

eye chatch

Q: Is there a system to suspend membership?

Answer A recess system has been in place since 2023. Only members with no outstanding dues are eligible for the scheme. It is possible to recess for up to four consecutive years. For more information, see the following page. We will announce on our mailing list when it is time to accept applications. Contact JASID Secretariat

eye chatch

Q: Can a non-member make presentation at the conference?

A: No. Only JASID members can make a presentation. However, non-members can report in the planning session and round table session, but only JASID members can submit the proposal of the planning or round table session. If you wish to make an oral presentation or a poster presentation in the conference, please submit your application by the end of July for the annual conference, or by the end of February for the spring conference....

eye chatch

Q: How long does it take to be approved after applying for membership?

Answer 入会の可否は不定期に開催される「常任理事会」において審議されます。このため、入会可否の通知が届くまでには、申請のタイミングによって2~3カ月程度かかることもございます。 その後、初年度会費の支払・確認と会員番号の付与が完了してから会員サービスの享受が可能となります。このため、入会申込から会員資格を得るまでに最大4カ月ほどかかるとお考えください。 全国大会・春季大会での発表や、学会誌への投稿を検討されている方は、お早めに入会申請手続きをお済ませください。 申請後の手続きの流れについては、以下のページをご参照ください。 本件にかんするお問い合わせ先 国際開発学会・本部事務局