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Q: I haven’t received my postal parcel.

eye chatch

A: The journal is sent by “Kuroneko Mail” from the Journal Publication Centre. All other mail is sent via the post office. The following are some of the most common causes of non-delivery of postal items.

Address description was incomplete.

Please register the full address notation, including the room number, on your “My Page” for the mailing address. A great deal of mail is returned because there is no room number in the address.

The surname on the nameplate and the name of the person to whom it is addressed are different.

If the surname given as researcher and the surname on the postal address are different, it is often assumed that the researcher has moved to a new address.

In this case, please add the surname as it appears on the address to the end of the address registered on your “My Page”.

Alternatively, the surname can be added to the family name by notifying the JASID Secretariat Office.

The relocation notice was submitted to the post office but not to JASID

The conference journal is sent by Kuroneko Mail. For this reason, the journal will not be forwarded to your new address even if you notify the post office of your change of address. Please complete the following notification form.

See also below for information on the procedures to be taken when moving house.

Every time we send out mail including the journals, a large volume of mail is returned to the JASID Secretariat Office. The JASID Secretariat Office spends an inordinate amount of time checking new addresses and re-directing mail. We would be grateful for your cooperation in ensuring the smooth running of JASID.

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