新刊案内『Empowerment Through Agency Enhancement』

この度、学会員3名(佐藤峰、佐柳信男、柳原透)で執筆した“Empowerment Through Agency Enhancement: An Interdisciplinary Exploration”がPalgrave Macmillan社より発刊されました。
公共サービスや国際協力など様々な社会的なプロジェクトのより効果的な実施と持続可能性のために、働きかけの対象者側の「主体性(エージェンシー、人が自ら「内側から」動くための力)」が果たす重要な役割を認識することから出発し、外部支援者が、そうした能力の発露をどのように後方支援し、活性化できるのかという問いに、人類学、心理学、経済学のアプローチと視点を組み合わせることで、 応答しようとした本になっております。英語ですが、よろしければ、是非ご一読ください。
- Chapter1: Introduction: What moves researchers to take initiatives to this interdisciplinary research project
Part 1:Understanding Agency and its Development
- Chapter2: Beyond Aloof Cynicism: A Critical Overview of Anthropological Perspectives on Agency and its Development
- Chapter3: A psychological perspective on agency in the context of behavior change
- Chapter4: Agency in economics — rationality, human capital, and human capability
Part 2: Enhancing Agency: its Plausible Mechanisms and Influential Factors
- Chapter5: What is done for facilitating agency development in practice: Documenting and crystallizing an unsung practical knowledge of a Third-Country Expert
- Chapter6: A psychological framework for breaking the poverty trap
- Chapter7: User-centered approaches to service transactions and the empowerment of service users
Part3: Visualizing and Measuring Agency
- Chapter8: Writing, Telling, Expressing Self in Association with Others: Revisiting and Examining Life Record Movement as an Origin of Story-based Methods in Japan
- Chapter9: The psychological measurement of agency in poverty contexts: Recent developments and challenges
- Chapter10: Visualization of the stages of agency formation/development – – The design and performance of the program for the poorest in Chile
- Chapter 11: Concluding Remarks
- sato-mine-bn@ynu.
ac.jp(* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)
- sato-mine-bn@ynu.