2. NEWS
  3. 「CESA 2023 orientation meeting」4月7日開催(会員・一般)


「CESA 2023 orientation meeting」4月7日開催(会員・一般)


Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA)’s 2023 conference will be held from 24 – 26 November in Hiroshima, Japan.

It is an honour for Hiroshima University to host the thirteenth biennial conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia, which held its first conference in Japan 27 years ago.

We warmly invite scholars from across Asia and beyond to join us to share their latest research.

The overarching theme of the conference is Education in the Aftermath of Social Crisis, and our plenary panels will feature eminent Japanese and international researchers discussing challenges for education arising from various contemporary crises, as well as the use and abuse of notions of ‘crisis’ in educational policy-making discourse.

We welcome individual and panel presentations on a wide range of related themes.

For those considering registering for this conference, the CESA 2023 Hiroshima committee will hold an orientation session. This will explain the scope and focus of the conference, the registration process, the criteria of for reviewing paper abstracts, and the post-conference academic writing workshop offered by the Journal of International Cooperation in Education.

It will also provide an opportunity for prospective participants to ask any questions they may have regarding the conference or the registration process.

All are very welcome to join this session via the Zoom link below.

Kind regards,
Kusakabe Tatsuya
(Hiroshima University)

7th April (Fri) 18:00-19:30

・Greeting Edward Vickers (CESA President)
・Explanation session
– CESA and CESA2023 Tatsuya Kusakabe (CESA Vice President)
-How to entry to CESA Chiemi Kurokawa (CESA 2023 Committee member)
-Writers’ workshop Takamichi Asakura (JICE editorial)
・QA session

Zoom URL (JST 18:00-)


CESA2023 Website (Including query form)



Kusakabe Tatsuya
(Hiroshima University)

  • kusakabe [at] hiroshima-u.ac.jp(* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)

