
Shifting Practices and Experiences of Development Cooperation in Southeast Asia: Understanding local voice and agency
Center for Social Development Studies (CSDS) and M.A. and Ph.D. Program in International Development Studies (MAIDS-GRID), Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University; Office of International Affairs, Chulalongkorn University; and Japan Society for International Development
<Welcome remarks>
Dr. Bhanubhatra “Kaan” Jittiang
Assistant Dean for International Affairs and Director of the M.A. and Ph.D. Program in International Development Studies (MAIDS-GRID)
Dr. Yuto Kitamura
Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo (on behalf of JASID)
<Overview and objectives for WriteShop / Participant self-introduction>
Dr. Carl Middleton
Director, Center for Social Development Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
<Session 1>
Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (with Dr. Edward Lahiff)
“Shifting Practices & Experiences of Development Cooperation in Southeast Asia: Understanding Local Voice and Agency”
Thol Dina
“Natures and Conditionalities of Traditional Donors and Its Effects on Project Implementation: Experiences from the World Bank Funded Projects in Cambodia”
- Discussant: Dr. Jin Sato followed by Q&A
<Session 2>
Supitcha Punya
“Laos after graduation from the Least Developed Country status”
Tay Zar Myo Win and Ye Min Zaw
“The politics of International Aid in a post-coup of Myanmar: Norms, powers, and interests”
- Discussant: Dr. Yuto Kitamura followed by Q&A
<Session 3>
Masatoshi Hara
“A Development Strategic Study on the ODA for Middle-Income Trap in Southeast Asia”
Josephine Therese Emily G. Teves
“Governmentality in the Context of a British-funded Activate Bangsamoro 1 Project in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Philippines”
- Discussant: Dr. Pattajit Tangsinmunkong followed by Q&A
<Session 4>
Thianchai Surimas
“How the villagers of Baan Boon Ruang think globally and act locally: co-creation of knowledge and Thai Baan Research”
Hanna Nur Afifah Yogar
“Designing Fairyland: The Enchantment of “Nusantara” and the Beings’ Disenchantment”
- Discussant: Dr. Soyeun Kim followed by Q&A