IDCJ主催「第43回・プロフェッショナル統計分析ワークショップ 」8月26・28・30日開催(会員・一般)

43rd Professional Statistical Analysis Workshop: Basic and Advanced techniques for Impact Evaluation




“The instructor really explained just addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I was impressed.”

“Now I’m happy because I became able to read the academic thesis, and now I’m reading it day after day and every day”.

This training will equip you a set of practical statistical analysis techniques in two days. It includes (i) easy-to-understand theoretical background; (ii) how to operate Excel; (iii)detailed hand calculation using only addition, subtraction, division and multiplication (+, -, ÷, x), and (iv) how to read thesis papers in professional journals (economics, sociology, education, evaluation, etc.). Maybe you will surprise because you think “Is it possible using only Excel and simple hand-calculation?”.

You can see the participants survey results posted below and those make you understand and become in confidence about our achievement.

A certificate of achievement will be awarded for those who complete the 3 days training.

※ The word in the title , “professional”, is the same meaning of differentiation of Academic School/Professional School in American Universities.


Program (time table)

【Ex-post survey results】

– May 2024 (42nd) (using Zoom) (in Japanese)

– May 2024 (42nd) (using Zoom (English translation)


Date Date [JST]

  • 2024 August 26 (Mon) 9:30-12:30 for a half-day presentation
  • 2024 August 26 (Mon) 13:30-16:30
  • 2024 August 28 (Wed) 9:30-17:30
  • 2024 August 30 (Fri) 9:30-17:30



You can access anywhere in the world. Lectures will be video-recorded. Participants can access and watch those videos (in one week after the workshop).


English. (Instructors are Ph.D. holders from American universities).


IDCJ Evaluation Department

Number of participants

Max 30 (Minimum Attendants for implementation:10 people)


(1) You should be able to implement addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (+, –, ÷, ×).

(2) You should have experience in using Microsoft Excel: (i) You should be able to input numbers smoothly. (ii) You should have experience in using “Auto-sum” icon.

(3) You should be able to prepare and bring a Windows OS personal computer (Mac OS is acceptable)

Note: “Excel Mobile for Tablet” is not acceptable because its version does not have Analysis Tools.


Please fill-in the Google Form.

(Please fill your physical address for those who want to receive a package of printed version of textbooks.)

– Google forms:

Due date

August 16 (Fri), 2024.


JPY 39,000 (tax included)
* equivalent to USD 243 (USD1=160Japanese yen)


A set of softcopy of texts will be distributed in advance in PDF format. In addition, the set of hardcopy of texts will be sent in advance to the residents in Japan who wish to receive them.


  • Ryo SASAKI, Evaluation, Western Michigan University (USA)
  • Keiichi TAKAKI, Ph.D. in Sociology, Stanford University (USA)

本件にかんするお問い合わせ先/ Contact

国際開発センター(IDCJ) 評価部
主任研究員: 佐々木亮(Ryo SASAKI)

  • [at] (* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)
  • 電話番号:03-6718-5932
  • 住所:東京都港区港南1-6-41 芝浦クリスタル品川12階 〒108-0075