
[C1-01] ブックトーク
学会誌編集委員会・ブックトーク担当:佐藤 寛(開発社会学舎)、島田 剛(明治大学)、芦田 明美(名古屋大学)、道中 真紀(日本評論社)
1. 報告者: 山形 辰史(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
- 担当編集者: 酒井 孝博(中央公論新社)
- 報告書籍: 「入門 開発経済学:グローバルな貧困削減と途上国が起こすイノベーション」(2023年3月、新書判、288ページ、990円)
- 討論者: 島田 剛(明治大学)
2. 報告者: 山口 健介(東京大学公共政策大学院)
- 担当編集者:倉園 哲(株式会社NHK出版)
- 報告書籍:「ミャンマー『民主化』を問い直す ――ポピュリズムを越えて」
(2022年5月、B6版、288ページ、1,650円) - 討論者:折山 光俊(公益社団法人2025年日本国際博覧会協会)
3. 報告者:吉田 鈴香(前千葉大学)
- 担当編集者:福島 延好(フリーランス)
- 報告書籍:「ミャンマー クーデターの謎ーカギは中国にありー」
(三恵社、2022年3月、B6版、218ページ、2,035円) - 討論者: 石戸 光(千葉大学)
4. 報告者:山田 肖子(名古屋大学)
- 担当編集者:下田 勝司(東信堂)
- 報告書籍:「『持続可能性』の言説分析」(2023年6月、A5判、128ページ、1,980円)
- 討論者:西川 芳昭(龍谷大学)
報告者:芦田 明美(名古屋大学)
[C2-02] ポスト資本主義時代における経済振興のあり方を考える―地域主義の観点より
Examining how best to advance economic promotion in the post-capitalist era: From a local community-based perspective
- 12:30~14:30
- 企画責任者:真崎 克彦(甲南大学)、藍澤 淑雄(拓殖大学)
- 司会者:真崎 克彦 (甲南大学)
- 討論者: 藍澤 淑雄(拓殖大学)、高須 直子(神田外語学院)
- 聴講人数:約20名
- 地域主義の意義と可能性―ポスト資本主義時代における価値創造
真崎 克彦(甲南大学) - 加工業者・グループの発展とローカル経済の関わり―タンザニア・モロゴロ州における「混合粥の素」の生産
加藤(山内)珠比(京都大学) - 地域から掘り起こす新しい「豊かさ」―東日本大震災を経験した福島県二本松市の取り組みから
斎藤 文彦(龍谷大学)
報告者:真崎克彦(甲南大学)/ 藍澤淑雄(拓殖大学)
[G3-01] Learning from Current Practices in Sustainable Society
- [オンライン] 14:45~16:45
- Organizer: Naoko Shinkai (Tsuda University)
- Chair/Moderator: Naoko Shinkai (Tsuda University)
- Discussant: Shirantha Heenkenda (University of Sri Jayewardenepura)
- “Using reflective methods to develop the indigenous seasonal calendar.”
Pei-Hsin Hsu (Taiwan Forestry Research Institute) - “Sustainability of Community Tourism in Cambodia.”
Rido That (CamEd Business School/Royal University of Phnom Penh) - “Micro and Small Enterprise Practices in the Philippines: Navigating Resilience and Sustainability Challenges Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic-A Case of Eco-tourism Sites-.”
Maria Kristina Alinsunurin (University of the Philippines Los Baños) and Naoko Shinkai (Tsuda University) - “The role of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit on sustainable SME growth amidst Covid-19 pandemics.”
Bangkit A. Wiryawan (Diponegoro University) and Esther Sri Astuti (Diponegoro University)
This session on “Learning from Current Practices in Sustainable Society” aimed to share practices and issues encountered when developing a sustainable society in Asia.
This session was organized by the research group on IDSSP (Innovation and Development for Solving Social Problems) of JASID to reassure the direction of research on innovation and development.
Four presenters were invited to give their experiences in the fields.
First, Dr. Pei-Hsin Hsu from Taiwan Forestry Research Institute presented on “Using reflective methods to develop the indigenous seasonal calendar“ and shared the results in the research on preserved traditional local knowledge and resource management system in one of the indigenous communities in Taiwan, Kalibuan.
As a research method, a participatory seasonal calendar approach was employed to detect farming activities of traditional crops, beans, in the community.
She suggested the use of this calendar for educational purposes to prepare for the loss of cultivation of traditional crops.
Second, Dr. Rido THATH at Royal University of Phnom Penh, presented on “Sustainability of Community-Based Tourism in Cambodia” and talked about tourism, which is one of the main contributors to economic growth in Cambodia, and the prospect of community-based tourism as a driver of local economic growth.
Through his literature survey and analysis, promising tourism communities, environmental resources, and intrusive factors were identified.
Third, Dr. Maria Kristina G. Alinsunurin at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, presented on “Micro and Small Enterprise Practices in the Philippines: Navigating Resilience and Sustainability Challenges Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic-A Case of Eco-tourism Sites-“, which is co-authored by Dr. Naoko Shinkai at Tsuda University.
She demonstrated the impact of COVID-19 in the tourism sector, remaining effects, and coping methods, based on the findings from key informant interviews in the tourism sector at selected ecotourism sites in Laguna province, along with the research framework.
The stakeholder analysis was applied and the strategies and innovation of MSEs in the tourism sector for resilience and sustainability were identified as well as policies to consolidate those activities.
Lastly, Dr. Bangkit A. Wiryawan at Diponegoro University presented on “The role of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit on sustainable SME growth amidst Covid-19 pandemics”, on which Dr. Esther Sri Astuti at Diponegoro University is a co-author, and illustrated the findings from the research on the relationships among three variables, entrepreneurship, innovation, and SME development in the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Regression analyses with sectoral and provincial dummies were made with the primary data on SMEs, collected recently in thirteen provinces in Indonesia.
The positive relationship between entrepreneurship and sales was found, whereas the relationship between innovation and sales was negative.
Comments for all four presentations were provided by Dr. Shirantha Heenkenda, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
The points addressed were the existing initiative of the indigenous community on traditional knowledge and local resource management, the strategy for ownership creation in community-based tourism, the mechanism to connect stakeholders in tourism, and the role of seed capital in entrepreneurship and SME development.
Most of the participants of this session joined from various parts of the world and the efforts to enable this session are very much appreciated.
I am also thankful to JASID and JASID Conference organizers, conference participants, for having established the online venue and provided support.
Naoko Shinkai at Tsuda University,
the Chair of the IDSSP, served as a facilitator.