[BO-5] 広島支部

Hiroshima Branch
支部長:市橋 勝(広島大学)
The Hiroshima Branch aims to promote academic exchanges related to international development and cooperation among members in the Chugoku-Shikoku and Kyushu regions, as well as with members in other regions, and to support individual members in raising the level of related research. Specifically, we plan to hold the 11th JASID Western Japan Research Meeting (at Hiroshima University) in FY2024, as in the previous year, where researchers, practitioners, and students involved in international development and cooperation in western Japan, including the Kyushu region, will meet and discuss.
- 2025年 6~7月 支部会議(東広島)
- 2024年 8~9月 第12回西日本地区研究発表会(九州大学(予定))