採用公募:English-speaking faculty member in Global Studies, Department of International Studies, Kyoritsu Women’s University

共立女子大学国際学部では、英語教育プログラム「GSE (Global Studies in English」を主担当の教員(Global Studies分野)を公募いたします。
Dear JASID members,
I am Masayoshi Okabe from Kyoritsu Women’s University, located in Chiyoda, Tokyo.
Our department, International Studies, is pleased to announce a job opening for a faculty member to teach and conduct research in the field of “Global Studies,” including international development and cooperation, sustainability studies, and more.
English-speaking researchers are expected with expertise in, but not limited to, development economics, international development and cooperation studies, sustainability studies, global business, and other fields, ranging from the disciplines of economics, politics, international relations, business administration to other social sciences (for another position of vacancy, which is area studies-based, please find the other recruiting of ours called “GSE faculty in Asian Studies” at JREC-IN or at our university website). This email is regarding the Global Studies position with more emphasis on social sciences. The positions available include either a Full, Associate, or Assistant Professor, depending on the applicant’s experience, which will be assessed.
Expected teaching courses may be, but, depending on the successful applicant’s expertise, not necessarily specified to: Introduction to Global Studies; Foundations in Global Issues; Topics in Global Issues; International Relations; Global Leadership; Sustainable Development, Global Business; Foundations of Business Communication; Topics in Business Communication.
Students are primarily Japanese, so not only teaching substantial contents but also guiding their English skills is also expected on the successful applicant.
For further information, please visit the following JREC-IN link:
You can also directly visit our University’s page and download the files:
We welcome both postal applications with hard copies and e-applications.
In case you have queries, the contact email address is provided here as the following one. Please direct your queries to the Search and Recruiting Committee through:
- kokusaisaiyou1.gr [at] kyoritsu-wu.ac.jp (replace [at] with @)
Yours sincerely,
Masayoshi Okabe, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of International Studies
Kyoritsu Women’s University