開催案内「KED Seminar #30」3月9日開催(会員・一般)

Another KED seminar is taking place at 1:00pm next Saturday.
Kyoto Environment and Development Seminar #30
(co-hosted by the 43rd Resilience Seminar)
- Date&Time: Saturday March 9, 2024, 13:00 – 14:30
- Language: English
- Venue: Seminar Room, Former Head Office of Forest Research Station,
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University. (North Campus, No.15)
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/north-campus-map / Zoom Web Seminar - Speaker: Akinori Kitsuki (Kyushu University)
If you would like to join this meeting via Zoom, register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting.
Vulnerability to seasonal food insecurity as an exposure to risk: the case of the Southern Province of Zambia
Seasonality is an important aspect of food security for subsistence households in developing countries. Using three years of weekly household panel data for the Choma and Sinazongwe Districts of the southern province of Zambia, we investigate whether and how farmers smooth their consumption within a crop year.
Given seasonal price changes of staple foods, some farmers buy them when prices are low and store them for the hunger season, while others run out of staple foods before the next harvest and therefore buy them when prices are high. The results show that the former group successfully smooths its consumption, while the latter group decreases its consumption of non-staple food items, such as vegetables and meats, to smooth the consumption of staple foods despite the seasonal hike in maize prices.
In conclusion, seasonal food insecurity is exacerbated by negative harvest shocks. We emphasize the significance of policies aimed at increasing public awareness of healthier food choices, empowering households to avoid purchasing maize at high prices, and reducing seasonal price disparities.
Chair: Ken Miura (Division of Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University)
- miura.ken.3e [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp(* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)