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  4. NL35巻2号 [2024.08]
  5. 第25回春季大会:ポスターセッション


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NL35巻2号 [2024.08]



The following 22 poster presentations were made out of the 25 accepted presentations (Titles are as the initial registration).


[1P101-25-01] 企業のサステナビリティ活動が従業員のロイヤリティに与える影響ー「アクション」から「共感」を生むメカニズムー

Impact of Corporate Sustainable Activities on Employee Loyalty: Mechanisms for generating “empathy” from “ action”

*佐藤 雄太1、*新谷 和実1 (1. 東京大学大学院)

[1P101-25-02] 洋上風力関連産業における多角化:欧州の持続可能性移行論のレビュー

Diversification in Offshore Wind Related Industries: A Review of European Sustainability Transition Theory

*美和 恭平1、*白 申逸1、*渡部 煕1、*田嶋 智1 (1. 東京大学)

[1P101-25-04] Reevaluating the Relocation of Indonesia’s Capital: Contradictions in the Sustainable Development Reevaluating the Relocation of Indonesia’s Capital: Contradictions in the Sustainable Development

*ARJON Sugit1 (1. Utsunomiya University)

[1P101-25-05] A Comparative Study of Japan and Korea’s Aid for Trade

*CHOI WONJUN1 (1. Waseda University)

[1P101-25-06] スラムの若者は政治といかにかかわるか:ザンビアの鉱業都市の事例

Analysis of Political Engagement by Youth in a Slum: The Case of a Mining City in Zambia

*西村 航成1 (1. 京都大学)

[1P101-25-07] Challenges and Prospects of Wheat Production in Kenya: Focusing on Small-Scale Wheat Farmers in Narok County, the Largest Wheat Producing County

*Yuki SATO1, Fredrick Charles Odhiambo2 (1. Utsunomiya University, 2. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology)

[1P101-25-08] タンザニアにおける食事の風景を題材とした子どもの絵に見られる地域差と特徴的表現

Regional difference and characteristic expression from children’s pictures of dining scenery in Tanzania

*株田 昌彦1、*中村 真1、*出羽 尚1 (1. 宇都宮大学)

[1P101-25-09] How do school children perceive eating from the wild and at home in southeast Tanzania? From pictures of wild food, food items, and dining scenery

*Kumiko SAKAMOTO 1, *Polgahagedara Don Pubudu Sanjeewa 1, Yukiko Kikuchi 1, Toshiki Hitomi 1, Masahiko Kabuta1, Makoto Nakamura 1, Takashi Izuha 1, Reiko Ohmori 1 (1. Utsunomiya University)

[1P101-25-10] Food habits and perception of school children in urban and semi-urban Morogoro, Tanzania

*Tamahi KATO1, Kumiko Sakamoto2, Yukiko Kikuchi2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Utsunomiya University)

[1P101-25-11] マラウイ初等教育における世帯内意思決定と児童の就学:妻方居住に焦点を当てて

An Analysis of Intrahousehold Decision-Making on Children’ s Schooling in Malawi Primary Education: Focused on Matrilocal Settlements

*石井 雄大1 (1. 神戸大学大学院)

[1P101-25-12] ウガンダにおける現地の言語リテラシーと小学校低学年の生徒の学業成績との相関関係の分析

An Analysis of the correlation between Local Language Literacy and Lower Grades Students’ Academic Achievement

*Ehab Tasneem1 (1. 神戸大学)

[1P101-25-13] An Analysis of the Relationship between Menstrual Hygiene Management and Girl’s Academic Achievement in Primary Education in Uganda -Case Studies in the Wakiso, Mukono and Jinja Districts-

*Mayuko MIZUKURE1 (1. Kobe University Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies)

[1P101-25-15] Analysis of the Influence of Teacher Absenteeism on Students’ Academic
Achievements in Six Southeast Asian Countries

*Htet Myet AUNG1 (1. GSICS, Kobe University)

[1P101-25-17] Analyzing the Influence of Home Language on Primary Students’ Academic Achievements in Lao PDR

*Jiling YAO1 (1. Kobe University)

 [1P101-25-18] An Analysis of ICT Usage in Teaching and Learning on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Cambodia.

*Siyu LYU1 (1. Kobe University)

[1P101-25-19] Influences of Private Tutoring and Teacher Quality on Academic Achievement in Secondary Education in Cambodia

*郭 潤婧1 (1. 神戸大学大学院)

[1P101-25-20] カンボジアにおける高等教育選択過程と家族の関与

Higher Education Choice Process and Family Involvement in Cambodia

*藤原 真美1 (1. 神戸大学大学院)

[1P101-25-21] Heterogeneous Effect of Pre-primary School Attendance on Child Development in Bangladesh

*Kohei UNO1 (1. Kobe Univ.)

[1P101-25-22] Moderating Role of Parental Socioeconomic Status on the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Children’s Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Skills in Bangladesh

*Rakibul HASSAN1 (1. Kobe University)

[1P101-25-23] An analysis of the Influence of Child Labour on School Attendance and Educational Attainment of Primary and Secondary School Children in Bangladesh

*Mubin Khan Afridi1 (1. Kobe University)

[1P101-25-24] An Analysis of Household Factors and its Implications on the Foundational Learning Skills of Primary School Students of Bangladesh

*Sheikh Rashid Bin ISLAM1 (1. Kobe University)

[1P101-25-25] Education Level, Income and Happiness Index in Urban Area: Evidence from Jakarta, Indonesia

*Yuniasih PURWANTI1 (1. GSCIS, Kobe University)


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