国際教育開発セミナー「Learning as development: The global learning crisis, the UN SDGs, and an educational equity agenda」大阪6月21日・東京6月24日開催(会員・一般)

下記の通り、ペンシルベニア大学のDaniel Wagner教授をお迎えして、国際教育開発セミナーを大阪と東京で開催いたします。ぜひご参加くださいますようご案内申し上げます。
Seminar on international education development “Learning as development: The global learning crisis, the UN SDGs, and an educational equity agenda”
- 日時: 2024年6月21日(金曜)15:00~16:30(開場14:40)
- 場所: 大阪女学院大学・短期大学1階会議室 大阪市中央区玉造2-26-54
- 申込リンク: https://forms.gle/EnBfVnTbULaKgKf86
- 日時: 2024年6月24日(月曜)17:30~19:00(開場17:15)
- 場所:上智大学2号館3階309教室 東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1
- 申込リンク: https://forms.gle/c7GUzyM35mwCSKGz6
The United Nations SDG4 on education, while emphasizing the importance of learning, is overwhelmingly anchored on systems of education and the schooling of children. Yet, educational systems are primarily normative, with goal that tends to emphasize averages across nations. Relatively limited attention has been devoted to variations within countries and contexts. As such, children who are learning at the bottom of the pyramid often receive the least resources, and are likely to be less targeted by educational leaders, whether in middle or low-income countries. The present paper builds on the book “Learning as Development” to explore the multiple origins, promises, and limitations of the notion of learning equity as central to meeting the UN SDGs.
Dr. Dan Wagner is the UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy, and Professor of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He is Founding Director of the International Literacy Institute, co-established by UNESCO and the University of Pennsylvania, Founding Director of the federally funded National Center on Adult Literacy, and PennGSE’s International Educational Development Program. Dr. Wagner has extensive experience in national and international educational issues, and has served as an advisor to UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, USAID, DFID, and others on international development issues. In addition to many professional publications, Dr. Wagner has written/edited more than 25 books (in English, with translations into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Japanese), including most recently: Learning as Development: Rethinking International Education in a Changing World (Routledge, 2018).
- E-mail: riicc [at] wilmina.ac.jp(* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)
上智大学ユネスコチェア「人間の尊厳、 平和、サスティナビリティのための教育」
- E-mail: sophiaesd.project [at] gmail.com (* [at] の部分を@に修正してご使用ください)