新刊案内:Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology (Springer)

Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology
This is Izumi Ohno, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). We are pleased to inform you that our open access book, 『Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology』(edited by Izumi Ohno, Kimiaki Jin, Kuniaki Amatsu, and Junichi Mori) has been just published from Springer. It is written by ten authors with rich experience in research and practice in development cooperation. For those interested, the book is downloadable from the link below.
This book studies how foreign models of economic development can be effectively learned by and applied to today’s latecomer countries. The key concepts are translative adaptation and local learning. It contains many case studies based on Japan’s past experience and its extensive development cooperation in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
The book is built on a research project by JICA Ogata Research Institute, “Japanese Experience of Industrial Development and Development Cooperation: Analysis of the Translational Adaptation Process.”
Table of Contents
Part I Translative Adaptation in the Industrialization Process
1. Introducing Foreign Models for Development: A Perspective from Translative Adaptation (Izumi Ohno)
2. Industrial Policies for Learning, Innovation, and Transformation: Insights from Japan and Selected Countries (Akio Hosono)
Part II Case Studies from Japan, Asia, Latin America, and Africa
3. Japan’s State Learning in the Meiji Period from the Vision Perspective (Kuniaki Amatsu)
4. National Movements for Quality and Productivity Improvement with Local Adaptation: The Experience of Japan and Singapore (Izumi Ohno and Getahun Tadesse Mekonen)
5. Bilateral Policy Dialogue: Japanese Cooperation for Enhancing Industrial Policy Capacity (Kenichi Ohno, Akio Hosono, Kuniaki Amatsu, and Minoru Yamada)
6. Industry Engagement in TVET and the Japanese Cooperation in Vietnam: The Case of Hanoi University of Industry (Junichi Mori)
7. Promoting Kaizen in Africa: 10-Years of Experience of Japanese Cooperation in Tunisia and Ethiopia (Tsuyoshi Kikuchi)
8. Thailand’s Experience of Learning Industrial Technologies and Monodzukuri Education with Localization (Izumi Ohno and Junichi Mori)
Part III Translative Adaptation in a Changing World
9. Kaizen and Non-cognitive Skills Development in Africa in the Age of Digitalization (Kimiaki Jin)
10. New Industrial Landscape: Implications for Industrial Policy and Japanese Industrial Development Cooperation (Toru Homma)
Izumi Ohno (GRIPS)
- Email: i-ohno [at] grips.ac.jp (replace [at] with @)