新刊案内「Climate–Energy–Land Nexus」

この度,インドネシア大学のHalimatussadiah准教授と共編著でRoutledgeより,The Climate–Energy–Land Nexus in Indonesia: Biofuel, REDD+ and biocharを出版しましたので,紹介させていただきます.
The EU’s Renewable Energy Directive and Deforestation Regulation have
reinforced import regulations of commodities that cause excessive deforestation. In response, Indonesia has struggled to manage deforestation caused by palm oil plantations and to effectively use oil palm that cannot be exported to the EU.
The book extends the framework of the climate-energy-land nexus to
elucidate political, economic, social, and institutional factors and causal mechanisms that stringent climate targets bring about a disproportional heavy burden on the forest sector in Indonesia. Subsequently, the book assesses REDD+ and biochar solutions by a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from biological, agricultural, technological, economic, and institutional ones. The assessment has implications for local and national strategies that can effectively address the climate-energy-land nexus and just transition between sectors.
なおRoutledgeは,日本時間12月1日午後7時(英国時間午前10時)までBlack Friday Sale を行っており,全ての書籍が 25% 割引となります.
森 晶寿
- https://www2.ges.kyoto-u.ac.jp/members/mori-akihisa/
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