ハイブリッド・セミナー「Seminar on Land Tenure, Inheritance, and Gender in Middle East」5月23日開催(会員・一般)

5月23日(火曜)に、日本私立学校振興・共済事業団学術研究振興資金配付上智大学イスラーム地域研究所共同研究「現代イスラームにおける公共性再構築をめぐる動態の研究」(代表:赤堀雅幸)、科研費基盤(B)「ムスリム社会におけるマスラハ(福利)の実践―弱者の権利をめぐる比較研究」(代表:堀井聡江)、科研費基盤(A)「イスラーム・ジェンダー学と現代的課題に関する応用的・実践的研究」(代表:長澤栄治)は、Myriam Ababsaさん(French Institute for the Near-East: IFPO)を招聘し、以下のセミナーをハイブリッドで開催します。ご関心のある皆さまは、どうぞ奮ってご参加頂きますようお願い申し上げます。
Myriam Ababsaさんは、ヨルダンとシリアをフィールドとする社会地理学者で、2000年からヨルダンを拠点とし、シリアやヨルダンにおける地域や公共政策、都市開発に関して研究しています。
Institute of Islamic Area Studies at Sophia University invites Myriam Ababsa (associate researcher at the French Institute for the Near-East (IFPO)), and hold a research seminar on the property, inheritance and gender in Jordan with Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Maslaha as practiced in Muslim societies: A comparative study with a special focus on rights of socially disadvantaged people” (Principal Investigator: Satoe Horii).
Myriam Ababsa is social geographer based in Jordan since 2000. Her work focuses on the impact of public policies on regional and urban development in Jordan and Syria. She also works for the United Nations as an urban planner. In this seminar, she will talk about the land tenure and inheritance system in Jordan, and social mechanism to exclude women from land property based on the fieldwork she carried out in Jordan in 2015-2016.
Kazuaki Takemura (Takachiho University), who has been studying land ownership in the desert with Egypt as his field, will comment on her presentation from a comparison with Egypt.
- 日時/ Time:May 23 (Tues) 2023, 17:30 – 19:00
- 場所/ Place
[Onsite] 上智大学四ツ谷キャンパス 2号館730号室 Building 2, Room 730 (7th floor), Sophia University Yotsuya Campus(https://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/aboutsophia/access/campus/)
[Online] Zoom - 言語/ Language:English
プログラム/ Program
岩崎えり奈/ Erina IWASAKI(Sophia University)
Myriam ABABSA (French Institute for the Near-East: IFPO)
“Women’s Land Inheritance Rights and Practices in Jordan”
竹村和朗/ Kazuaki TAKEMURA(高千穂大学 Takachiho University)
参加申し込みフォーム/ Registration
(Registration deadline May 18, 2023 )*Seminar URL will be sent to you later.
主催/ Organization
日本私立学校振興・共済事業団学術研究振興資金配付上智大学イスラーム地域研究所共同研究「現代イスラームにおける公共性再構築をめぐる動態の研究」 (代表:赤堀雅幸)
Research on the Dynamics of the Reconstruction of Publicness in Contemporary Islam (Academic Research Promotion Fund by the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan) (Principal Investigator: Masayuki Akahori)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Maslaha as practiced in Muslim societies: A comparative study with a special focus on rights of socially disadvantaged people” (Principal Investigator: Satoe Horii)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa)
本件にかんするお問い合わせ先/ Contact
Institute of Islamic Area Studies, Sophia University
- https://dept.sophia.ac.jp/is/SIAS/index.html
- sias-co[at]sophia.ac.jp please change [at] to @
Myriam Ababsa has directed the Atlas of Jordan. History, Territories, Society (Ifpo 2013), and co-edited with Baudouin Dupret and Eric Denis Popular Housing and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East (University of Cairo Press, 2012) and with Rami Daher, Cities, Urban Practices and Nation Building in Jordan (Ifpo 2011).
She holds a PhD in Geography from the University François Rabelais of Tours (2004) on Raqqa (Syrian Studies Association, Best Doctoral Dissertation Prize, Special Mention, 2006).